Langdale Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team Application Form

Thank you for considering applying to join LAMRT. Before you complete the form below, please carefully read the 'Join Us' page of the website (, as this details our recruitment process in detail, and outlines the two intakes a year that we operate in periods when we are actively recruiting. The initial stage is to first attend one of our base open days, held in September and March each year, and to complete this form afterwards. If you have any queries, please get in touch with us at Items marked with * are required fields and must be completed before the form can be submitted.

We are actively recruiting! The 2024 open days are Saturday 16th March and Saturday 21st September, from 10:00 to 12:00. If you wish to attend, please e-mail, so we know the numbers to expect.

Application Process:

  • Attend a Base Open Day in one of our two annual recruitment intakes (when the team is actively recruiting), in mid-September or mid-March, in which to meet various team members and ask loads of questions. You will be shown around the base, and get a much clearer idea of the range of rescues that we perform on the fells, crags, and rivers. This visit is very informal, and unassessed, to enable you to learn about the training, support, and facilities that we have. 

  • Your application will then be considered at the next monthly committee meeting, which would be four weeks after each of the base open days. This timeline is designed to allow you a few weeks after the Base Open Day, to reflect on whether you wish to apply, and to take your time filling in your application form, to have it considered at the committee meetings in either mid-October or mid-April. Interviews and hill days for successful applicants to the next phase would be in late October or April.

  • If it meets our criteria, you will be invited for an interview, and successful candidates will then be invited to a hill day to test your general competency and hill skills.

  • If successful, you will be invited to become a trainee team member.

Prospective team members undergo a minimum of a 12-month probationary period which can be extended to a maximum of 18 months where required. During which time they will be expected to attend a minimum number of training sessions, followed by a number of rescues, before their membership is voted on by our committee.

Please be aware, an anonymised summary of your application will be shared with our committee. Medical and other personal data will be kept confidential.